Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family

Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family

Partnership organization, Slovakia

The Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (UPSVR) is a state administration authority ensuring the performance of state administration in the areas of Social Affairs and Employment Services. The institution was established in January 2004 by Act No. 453/2003 Coll. on State Administration Authorities in the Field of Social Affairs and Employment Services, as amended by later regulations. The Central Office directs and controls as well as methodically regulates performance through 46 Offices of Labor, Social Affairs and Family.


In social issues it performs state administration at the level of:

  • State social benefits
  • Social aid
  • Advisory and psychological services
  • Social and legal children protection and social guardianship

In employment services, it performs state administration on the level of:

  • evidence of unemployed citizens searching for employment
  • evidence of free job places
  • arrangement of correct employment
  • providing advisory services
  • education and preparation of labor market
  • implementation of active arrangements in the labor market
  • care increase of labor use of individual groups of citizens
  • preparations and implementations of projects co-funded from the European social fund

Homepage: upsvar.sk